Renacer Marcovia 2002


Renacer.jpg (222151 bytes)My student Benny (wearing hat) with one of the Las Peņitas women and some of her children.  She reports that her twin sons are doing fine and asked about several members of the Toledo construction team of 1999.


Renacer1.jpg (252968 bytes)Another family from the Las Peņitas community.  Trees planted in summer of 1999 have grown, so much so that I did not get my camera in good focus (Ted would have taken a much clearer shot).


Renacer2.jpg (228374 bytes)Quite a few trees are peaking up among rooftops.  Renacer Marcovia is the cleanest housing project for Mitch refugees that we visited as part of Benny's thesis project.


Renacer3.jpg (281773 bytes)This little girl, we were told, was taken to the USA for a heart operation.  Her father says that she is doing fine.  There are still some problems to solve here, as everywhere in Honduras, including child nutrition and general health care, education, and employment, but here in Renacer Marcovia many people are looking for creative ways to get things done.



I have a couple of more pictures to scan somewhere in the stack and will post them one of these weeks.

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